International trademark registration fees vary based on several factors, including the number of countries/regions of registration, the category of the trademark, the qualifications of the applicant, etc. International trademark registration is mainly carried out through the Madrid System. The following are the main fees that may be involved:
1.**Basic Fees:**The basic fees of the Madrid System cover the initial costs of international registration, including filing the international registration Apply and select the country/region of registration. This fee is based on the category and number of countries applied for.
2.**Additional fees:**In addition to the basic fee, you may also need to pay some additional fees, such as additional category fees, additional country/region fees, etc. These fees vary depending on the specific circumstances of the application.
3.** Domestic fees for applicants: ** Before submitting international trademark registration, applicants usually need to complete domestic trademark registration in their home country/region. Relevant fees include domestic trademark application fees, agency fees, etc. .
4.**Maintenance fees:**After successful international registration, maintenance fees need to be paid regularly to ensure effective protection of the trademark. These fees also vary based on the number of countries and categories of registration.
For specific fees, you can consult with trademark registration agencies, law firms, or the International Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to obtain the most accurate estimates and detailed information.
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