Guangzhou Zengcheng Meiyu Business Service Department is a sole proprietorship enterprise registered in Guangdong Province on August 23rd, 212. Its registered address is located at Room 33, 3rd floor, No.1 Dalingshan, Qunxing Village, Xintang Town, Guangzhou (for office use only).
The unified social credit code/registration number of Guangzhou Zengcheng Meiyu Business Service Department is 9144183525981393, and the enterprise is legal person Luo Ling. At present, the enterprise is in the state of opening.
The business scope of Guangzhou Zengcheng Meiyu Business Service Department is: enterprise management consulting services; Corporate financial consulting services; Business consulting services; Property management; Providing information consulting services for overseas students on entrepreneurial and investment projects; Investment consulting services; Market research service; Trademark agency and other services; Industrial and commercial registration agency services; Office services; Site lease (excluding storage); . In Guangdong Province, the total registered capital of companies with similar business scope is 38,514.12 million yuan, and the main capital is concentrated in enterprises with scale of 1-5 million and above 5 million, with 1,945 companies. Within the scope of this province, the registered capital of current enterprises belongs to the general.
view more information and information of Guangzhou Zengcheng meiyu business service department through Baidu enterprise credit.