Subject to availability.
Miichi hangtags will be marked with the product number and origin description of the leather, and the text imprint on the leather is very clear, which can mainly play a role in distinguishing the genuine from the fake. On the contrary, the fake bed prints are very blurry and will The product models of Xiaochi hang tags are all unique. From the appearance, the color of the C letter on the genuine Jianchi product is very obvious, and the design is symmetrical. The C letter is symmetrical with the center of the product. On the contrary, the fake Xiaochi C letter is darker and it is difficult to achieve symmetry. , the workmanship of Xiao Chi bags is very fine, the stitches of the sutures are even, and the whole thing is smooth, without any extra thread ends. On the contrary, fake ones will have problems with thread running, broken threads, and skipped stitches. The stitches are also uneven and the thread ends are uneven. a lot of. Xiao Chi De's zipper pullers are usually made of leather and a series of small rings inlaid with each other. The zipper has the YKK trademark and the zipper is smooth. On the contrary, the fake ones do not have leather and small rings, nor the YKK trademark, and the zipper is not smooth and easy to get stuck. The Coach accessory has a complete metal copper ring without any seams. The fake copper ring has cracks and the metal may be made of other materials and not real metal.