The 26 categories of trademark registration are divided according to the International Trademark Classification System (Nice Classification) and are used to classify and identify different types of goods and services. Each category represents a group of related goods or services. The following is a brief description of the 26 classes of trademark registration:
Categories 1-34: These classes cover a variety of goods, including chemicals, pigments, coatings, cleaning preparations, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, medical supplies, industrial Use materials, scientific instruments, etc.
Category 35: Covers commercial and management services such as advertising, business management, and office affairs.
Category 36: Covers insurance, finance, real estate and other financial and insurance services.
Category 37: Covers construction, repair, installation services and services related to construction and housing.
Category 38: Covers services related to communications, media, telecommunications, etc.
Category 39: Covers transportation, packaging and warehousing services.
Category 40: Covers services related to material handling, processing, printing and manufacturing.
Category 41: Covers education, training, entertainment, sports and other related services.
Category 42: Covers science, technology research, computer and software services and other related services.
Category 43: Covers catering, temporary accommodation and travel services.
Category 44: Covers services related to health care, beauty care, agriculture and gardening.
Category 45: Covers legal, security, social services and other related services.
Please note that the above is only an overview of the 26 categories of trademark registration, and there are more specific subcategories under each category. During the trademark registration process, it is important to choose the correct category because the scope of protection of the trademark will be limited to the selected category.
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