Bar trademark registration usually belongs to the 34th category of trademarks.
trademarks are classified according to different goods and services, so as to facilitate the management and retrieval of trademarks. Class 34 trademarks mainly cover tobacco and related products, lighters and smoking utensils.
As a place to provide alcoholic drinks and related services, bars usually belong to the 34th category of trademarks. This includes bars, pubs, nightclubs and other places that provide drinks and entertainment services.
when you apply for bar trademark registration, you should choose the 34th category as the trademark application category. It is very important to ensure that you choose the right category in the process of trademark registration application, because it will determine the scope of protection and applicable rules of your trademark.
please note that the classification and specific application categories of trademarks may be different due to the trademark laws and regulations of countries and regions. It is recommended that you consult the local trademark registration agency or trademark agency before applying for trademark registration to ensure the correct trademark category is selected.
The above contents are carefully compiled by Pig Bajie. com, hoping to help you.