It depends on your purchase channel. If it is a wholesale market and the same style appears in different stores with different brands, then as the two people above said, some people will imitate and make knock-off goods, and put the two brands of clothes. Comparing them together, there will definitely be differences in fabrics, colors, finishing, details, etc., because they are not the same batch of fabrics, not made by the same factory, and some even have subtle differences in size and pattern. In order to avoid being suspected of plagiarism, I will type others. When brands come out, shop owners can compare the quality by themselves and choose the best.
If the purchase is taken directly from the factory, and there are two or three brands in the same batch of goods (Japanese orders and European orders are more common), except for the different trademarks, there is no difference in the fabric and workmanship of the clothes themselves. , at most, the laces, buttons, and some details are different, but the quality is the same, and the trademarks and washing labels of each brand are consistent, so there is no need to worry, because this situation is caused by the process of placing orders for clothing in these two countries. .
Brand company-gt; trading company or trading company (there are two links, foreign and domestic, generally the decisive ones are foreign)-gt; factory.
Trading company Or the middle link of a trading company can support 2 or 3 upstream brand companies, recommend the same style to 2 to 3 brand companies in different cities, and then aggregate them together after receiving the orders, or place orders successively to the same factory. Production, in this way, operating and manufacturing costs can be reduced due to the increase in quantity, and greater profits can be obtained from it. But there is generally no difference in the quality of the clothes. They are sold in different cities and there is no danger of infringement if they slightly change the lace. Of course, some powerful brand companies are very taboo about this phenomenon, especially their original prints. Patterns (there is no way to eliminate styles, because as soon as there is a good model on the market, everyone will copy each other. It is very common even in foreign countries, but their quality control is still much stricter than in China).