Commodity packaging, decoration and color combination trademarks are commercial signs that can distinguish the source of goods and services. Trademarks and product packaging or decoration often appear on goods at the same time and have their own identifying purposes. Their differences are:
1. Color combination trademarks only include colors, while product packaging and decoration include not only colors, but also text, patterns, shapes and other elements;
2. Color combination trademarks need to have the distinctiveness required for registered trademarks, are regulated and adjusted by the Trademark Law, and are subject to "strong" legal protection; while product packaging and decoration do not have distinctiveness requirements and are regulated and protected by the Anti-Unfair Competition Law , which belongs to the "weak" protection of the law.
3. After long-term use, a specific decorative design can also be registered as a trademark if it has established a unique and specific connection in the minds of consumers and conforms to the characteristics of a color combination trademark.