There is a talented person on Zhihu who rectified the name of King Adi, saying that King Adi "is a copycat in everything". If he were called "King of Shoes", how many people would hate him? He is based in third- and fourth-tier cities and just bullies people who don't understand. Today, the original Adidas won his lawsuit and took back the trademark. His current Ma Tu LogO is just a bird, how many people know him. Without further ado, I drank a Coke to quench my thirst. Hey, what Coke is it? He was ****ing. He poured it down to wash the toilet. The can was probably made of imitation iron. Send it for recycling.
Adidas is a German copycat of Adidas. It is said that Adiyu and Aditu came again. Is there an Ayu King, a Hedi King, an Oil Drinking King? Haha.