Class 16 trademark transfer belongs to the stationery and office category. Nowadays, trademark transfer has become the most popular term in trademark transfer website transactions. Class 16 trademark transfer, Class 25 trademark transfer, Class 30 trademark transfer, etc. It is a popular transfer category now. Which of the 16 categories of trademark transfer websites is the best? You have a good trademark transfer but no way to transfer it. You want to sell your trademark at a high price but you have to go far away. This has become the biggest headache for many trademark holders. Every brand needs a unique Trademark, trademark is related to the culture of the company and whether the company can develop. Looking at all the trademark websites, some are rough, and some are easy to update but are as slow as a snail. The latest information is not available for a long time. There are 16 types of trademarks. Which transfer website is better? I personally think [Bajie] is better. Why do I say it is better? Because it is currently the largest company in the country and has established operations in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Hubei, Hunan, Hebei, and Henan. , Fujian, Jiangsu, Shaanxi, Yunnan and other more than 100 brand strategic cooperation agencies across the country; the 45 categories of trademark transfer are also the latest and most comprehensive in the country, and have helped tens of millions of entrepreneurs solve the difficult problem of trademark transfer! I hope it can be helpful to you help.