According to the price of Chanel in China and the official website, the price of all handbags is within 30,000. Chanel handbag has always been a girl's dream, and its exquisite and elegant design is also the reason for the enduring brand. Although the unit price of this bag is high, it is not easy to go out of date. The price of some bags goes up every year. Even if you have bought bags for decades, you can still make money by selling them. Named after numbers, the name comes from the year of birth1February 955. This is a bag designed by Ms. coco chanel, which bears the story of her life.
Therefore, Chanel is closer to original style.
Bian Xiao gives you the original Chanel luxury Vega (front 5985+ face 7577). The appearance can be said to be 1: 1, and the price is very cheap. But there is no difference between hardware parts and so on.
Chanel bag 1955 In February this year, coco chanel introduced a double-flip closable square bag with a metal chain.