It is best to use a drying box to preserve tea. Because the temperature of the drying oven is stable and the air is isolated, tea leaves stored in the drying oven will not become moist or oxidized.
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Tea polyphenols, polyphenols, and vitamins in tea C and carotene are easily oxidized, so the ambient temperature and relative humidity , odor, light, air and microorganisms will all affect the quality of tea. In order to prevent it from deteriorating, you must pay attention to: avoid high temperature, high humidity, light, and oxygen.
The materials used to preserve tea in daily life include aluminum-platinum composite bags, utensils, and a combination of the two. The preferred utensil is a tin can, but other clay pots, metal boxes, etc. are also acceptable. When using composite bags to preserve tea, it is best to put an appropriate amount of special preservative for tea in the packaging bag.
Among all teas, green tea is best stored in the refrigerator. If the storage time is short and you need to drink it at any time, you can put the green tea in the refrigerator and adjust the refrigerator temperature to about 5 degrees Celsius; but if you want to store unopened tea for more than a year, you should put it in the freezer.
In addition, in order to prevent the tea from becoming a "deodorant" in the refrigerator, the tea should be sealed and packed before being put into the refrigerator, and a sufficient amount of special preservative should be put into the packaging bag. It is best to use packaging materials Aluminum foil composite bag.
It should be noted that after taking out the tea leaves from the refrigerator, do not open the package immediately. The correct way is: take out the tea leaves from the refrigerator and let it slowly heat up until it reaches normal temperature ( Usually every other day) open the packaging bag, and then brew and drink. And it’s best to drink it within half a month.
Compared with green tea, oolong tea, black tea, and jasmine tea do not need to be stored in the refrigerator. Because the content of polyphenols in oolong tea and black tea is relatively low, they age and deteriorate slowly and are easy to store. Scented tea has a strong floral aroma, and storage at low temperatures will inhibit its aroma and reduce the freshness and concentration of the aroma.
Therefore, as long as it is placed in a dry, sealed, light-proof, and odor-free container, it can be stored for a long time. Pu'er tea is best stored at room temperature, and there is no need to use a desiccant.