2. When designing the arc LOGO, you can use the golden proportional circle to combine and match, draw the golden proportional circle as the basic figure, and then combine and superimpose the circles.
3, arc combination, basically can draw all the conceptual graphics, the most basic is the eyes, combine the circles, and draw the general appearance of the eyes in the middle of the graphics.
4. After entering the shape generator tool, each combined shape will become an independent individual. Hold down the ALT key and click the shape, and the system will automatically delete the shape and its unique line.
5. Delete all lines except the main body of the LOGO, so that the main body of the LOGO will gradually appear. While deleting, we can selectively keep some shapes as additional decorations of the LOGO.
6. After deleting all the redundant shapes, our LOGO shape will appear roughly. At this time, we can further deepen the shape of the logo or add additional graphics.