CE is the abbreviation of French COMMUNATE EUROPEIA, which means European consistency in English, that is, European isomorphism. In fact, CE is also the abbreviation of the phrase "Europe * * *" in many European languages. Initially, the English phrase "European Community" was abbreviated as EC. Later, because the European institutions were Communicated Europe in French, Communicated Europe in Italian, communidade Europe in Portuguese, communidade Europe in Spanish and so on. , EC changed to CE.
In the EU market, the "CE" mark is a compulsory certification mark. Whether products produced by enterprises within the EU or products produced by other countries want to circulate freely in the EU market, they need to be labeled with "CE" to show that the products meet the basic requirements of the EU's "New Method of Technical Coordination and Standardization" directive. This is a mandatory requirement for products under EU law.
Domestic children's toy cars exported to Europe and France must be ce certified.