DC high-voltage cable
Product use: This product is used for electrostatic painting, electrostatic beneficiation, static flocking and other DC devices with weak current and high voltage, as a power lead wire.
product features: product standard name and model single-core polyethylene DC high-voltage cable SL.
product name: electrostatic spray-painted DC high-voltage cable
product model: GYVZ-5/75/1/125/15
Normal service conditions: this product is used as power lead wire in electrostatic spray painting, electrostatic beneficiation, static flocking, aluminum-plastic separator equipment and other DC devices with weak current and high voltage.
specifications and performance characteristics
the DC resistance of the largest outer diameter conductor of the cable with model section is ohm /km, and the actual test (D.C.) KV min
GYVZ-5 2.5 1 7.59 75 15
GYVZ-75 2.5 11.4 7.59 11 15
GYVZ-1 2.5 14. 7.59 145 15
GYVZ-125 2.5 16.5 7.59 175 15
GYVZ-15 2.5 18.5 7.59 2 15
In addition, special DC high-voltage cable for X-ray machine.