Adidas assigned a serial number to each pair of shoes. Through the serial number of shoes, you can search for detailed information of shoes in Adidas official website.
We can tell the authenticity by the quality of shoes. Most fake shoes are rough in workmanship, and you can almost feel them by touching them. Really, Adidas shoes are all exquisitely made.
4. Look at the QR code. Two-dimensional horizontal grid is 12, vertical grid is 13, and the following adidas letters are close together, so the number of false labels generally exceeds the standard, as shown in the following figure, which is obviously false.
Adidas is a German sporting goods manufacturer and a member company of Adidas AG. Named after its founder Adolf Dassler, the company began to produce footwear products in Auracher, Hetsogan near Nuremberg in 1965. 1949 August 18 was registered under the name of Adidas.