2. Apply toothpaste evenly on the adhesive surface, wait for a moment, and then wipe it with a soft rag. Sometimes it sticks more and more, and then toothpaste is applied to the traces that have not been removed at one time. The method remains the same, and the gel for headache can be removed. The principle is that toothpaste contains glycerol, which is a good solvent and can dissolve adhesive components. In addition, many cosmetics also contain glycerol, which can also be used to remove adhesives.
3. Furthermore: scrape the hard bottom surface suitable for glass, floor tiles, etc. with a pen and paper knife; Wipe with alcohol, suitable for glass, floor tiles, clothes, etc. Freezing, after freezing, the glue becomes hard and can be torn off directly, which is suitable for alcohol, scraping and other methods.
It is said that the effect of essential balm is also good. If it is a self-adhesive or the like, you can blow it with a hair dryer, which is easy to remove, but it is not suitable for plastic, and overheated plastic will be deformed.
5. Blowing heat with air duct is very effective. At home, it is convenient for everyone to have an air duct blower, which can paste glass, plastic, wood and metal. Blow a few times with the air duct first, then tear a small edge, and slowly tear it along the direction of tearing while blowing heat with the air duct, which is very effective.