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What is woven fusing?

Yarn-dyed yarn-dyed knitted woven wovenballingup pilling lintball pilling pilling ballooning small circles on the fabric flaw weaving defects, defects flyingthreads fabric drag yarn floatloop cobweb enteringdraft cobweb excessivelift many bore holes duckeye small holes (knitting defects) holes, holes cutacross opening (defect cloth) curling selvedge rolled selvedge rolled selvedge baggy selvedge loose edge loose edge/selvedge loose edge tightlist/selvedge tight edge dog-legged selvedge curved selvedge (unwound by weft yarn Tension caused) cutlisting/selvedge broken edge broken selvedge ripped edge broken selvedge torn edge tornselvedge broken edge edgeendbreak bad edge pilled-inselvedge shrunken edge uneven width uneven fabric edge rough selvedge raw edge hangpick triangular holes narrowwidth insufficient fabric width uneven cover uneven fabric surface rowdy uneven fabric surface uniform wavyface wavy cloth thickandthinplaces thickness thick section thick warp threadout broken warp tightend/thread tight warp, urgent warp tightfilling/pick tight weft, urgent warp ridgycloth uneven cloth slackselvedge uneven selvage selvedgefloat selvage floating warp 1. Fabric Ingredients English CCotton Cotton WWool Wool MMohair Mohair RH, Rabbithair Rabbit Hair ALAlpaca Alpaca SSilk Silk JJute Jute LLinen Linen Ram Ramie Ramie HemHemp Hemp TPolyester Polyester WSCashmere Cashmere WAAngora Angora Goat LALambswool Lambswool TSTussahsilk Tussahsilk YHYarkhair Yak hair MDModal Modal CHCamelhair Velvet CUCupro Copper MSMulberrysilk LYLycra Lycra KENDERKender Apocynum SILKOOLSilkool Soybean protein fiber CVCCVC polyester-cotton ratio NNylon nylon RRayon rayon VViscose viscose SPSpendex spandex PPPolypropylene polypropylene PVPolyvinyl vinylon AAcrylic acrylic TelTencel Tencel 2. About the English name of the label: labelhole Chinese name: label Hole English name: Namelabel Chinese name: Label cloth English name: labelbias Chinese name: Dial head slope English name: Printedlabel Chinese name: Printed logo English name: Wovenlabel (=wovenname) Chinese name: (Fabric) Edge brand [ On the edge or end of the piece, the country name, company name, trademark and other names are woven, mainly used for woolen fabrics] English name: Woollabeling Chinese name: (USA) Woolen fabric quality mark English name: MAINlabel Chinese name: Main trademark English name : CARElabel Chinese name: Prompt label English name: SPECIALlabel Chinese name: Special label English name: CARElabel Chinese name: Washing water mark English name: CONTENTlabel Chinese name: Ingredients mark English name: LBLlabel Chinese name: Mark, trademark English name: sewingmachinesforattachinglabels Chinese Name: Sewing machine for sewing trademarks English name: MAINlabel/BRANDlabel Chinese name: Main mark English name: SIZElabel Chinese name: Size mark English name: R

esinoidlabels Chinese name: Resin seal English name: Siliconelabels Chinese name: 哂廻康 environmental protection material mark English name: ticketingandlabelingmachines Chinese name: Stamping machine 3. Various water washing English saying LABLUE blue wash New Galaxy new galaxy wash PAPERBLUE low blue wash DARK deep Color wash DULL Blunt color wash VINTAGEB Distressed wash BVINTAGE Distressed wash RINSE Desizing color preserving wash MEDIUM Medium wash OVERDYED Color wash LIGHT Light color wash BLUEMOON Blue moon wash TITANIUM Titanium color wash DUSK Dust wash ENZYMEWASH Enzyme wash COPPER Bronze wash COUNTRYBLUE Country Orchid ARCTICBLUR Atlantic Orchid BLUEICE Ice Orchid Wash CLOUD Cloud Wash OCEAN Ocean Wash STONEWASH Stone Wash VINTAGE Sandstorm Wash SAND New Dust Wash CRYSTALWASH Crystal Wash 4. Professional English for Clothing (Sewing) ATTACH COLLAR Upper Collar BACKSTITCH Return Stitch/Return Stitch BARTACK Date BARTACKER sewing machine BASTING stitching BINDER piping butterfly BINDING hemming BLINDSTITCH hidden thread BLINDSTITCHMACHINE blind sewing machine BLINDING picking foot BREAKSTITCH breaking line BUNDLESYSTEM holding system BUTTONHOLING button door BUTTONHOLINGMACHINE button door car BUTTONING button BUTTONINGMACHINE button car CASING capacity CHAINSTITCH chain line STEP CHAINSTITCHMACHINE CLEANFINISH COVERINGSTITCH CREASELINE CROSSCROTCH CROTCH CUT & SEWN DART (death) pleats DOUBLENEEDLEFELLSEAM double-needle buried clip DOUBLENEEDLELOCKSTITCHMACHINE double-needle flat car EDGESTITCHING ELASTICWAISTBAND elastic trousers EMBROIDERY embroidery/ Car flower FINALINSPECTION Final inspection FITTING Fitting FIVETHREADSOVERLOCKMACHINE5 thread and bone car FLATSEAM Flat seam FLOWCHART process table FLOWCONTROL process control FOLDBACKFACING Original body out FOLDER Tube butterfly FULLNESS Loose bit FUSINGINTERLINING Sticky HANDLING Handle time HANGER Hanger HEMMER Hemming boots HEMMING roll IN-PROCESSINSPECTION Mid-term inspection IRONING Ironing IRON-SHINE Ironing JOINCROTCH LABOURCOST Labor cost LOOPING MATERIAL MISSEDSTITCH Missing needle NOTCH OFFPRESSING Final ironing ONELAYERYOKE OPENSEAM OPERATIONBREAKDOWN branch OVERHEAD factory leather (enterprise General management fee) OVERLAP overlap, overlocking, and bone OVERLOCKEDWITH5THREADS five threads and bone OVERTIMEWORKING overtime PIECERATE piece wages PIPER edging butterfly PIPING (piping) bundle strip PRESSOPEN ironing bone PRESSING ironing PRODUCTIONSCHEDULE production schedule PUCKERING onwards Wrinkle QUILTING cotton RUNSTITCH SEAM seam bone SETINSLEEVE upper sleeves SEWINGMACHINEATTACHMENTS sewing accessories SEWINGWAISTBANDWITHWAISTBANDM/C (with a pull-up machine) pull-up SINGLENEEDLELOC

KSTITCHMACHINE single needle flat car STAYTAPE chest lining STITCH stitch step THREETHREADSOVERLOCKMACHINE 3 threads and bone car TOPSTITCHING inter-thread TRIMMING thread trimming TUCKING pleated TWOLAYERYOKE double layer dry UNDERPRESSING medium iron WAISTBANDISEXTENSIONOFBODY original trousers WRAPSEAM bone-wrapped WRINKLE uneven clothes, wrinkles ZIG- ZAGSTITCHherringbone step