A collective trademark refers to a mark registered in the name of a group, association or other organization for use by members of the organization in commercial activities to indicate the user's membership in the organization. Certification trademarks are controlled by an organization with the ability to supervise certain goods or services and used by units or individuals other than the organization to certify the origin, raw materials, and manufacturing of the goods or services. A sign of method, quality or other specific quality. The relationship between the two is as follows: (1) Certification trademarks and collective trademarks are trademarks used jointly by multiple producers, operators or service providers. (2) Certification marks indicate that the quality of goods or services reaches specified specific qualities; collective marks indicate that the goods or services come from the same organization. (3) Applicants for certification marks and collective marks must be legally established organizations, but applicants for certification marks must also have the ability to detect or supervise the specific quality of goods or services. (4) Certification marks are open. As long as the goods or services they operate meet the specific quality requirements stipulated in the management rules, they can be required to use certification marks; collective marks can be used by members of the collective, and members outside the organization are not allowed to use them. . (5) The registrant of a certification mark cannot use the trademark on its goods or services; the registrant of a collective mark can use the collective mark on the goods or services it operates. (6) Article 16 of the "Registration and Management Measures for Collective Trademarks and Certification Marks" stipulates: "Article 16 When applying for the transfer of a collective trademark or certification mark, the transferee shall have the corresponding subject qualifications and comply with the Trademark Law and Implementing Regulations and the provisions of these Measures.” It can be seen from this that collective trademarks and certification marks can also be transferred, but compared with the transfer of commodity trademarks and service marks, the transferee of collective trademarks and certification marks must also have corresponding subject qualifications. For example, the registrant of a certification mark must be an organization established in accordance with the law and capable of testing and supervising the specific quality of goods and services. Article 3 of the "Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China" Trademarks approved and registered by the Trademark Office are registered trademarks, including commodity trademarks, service marks, collective trademarks, and certification marks; the trademark registrant enjoys the exclusive right to use the trademark and is protected by law. The term "collective trademark" as mentioned in this Law refers to a mark registered in the name of a group, association or other organization for use by members of the organization in commercial activities to indicate the user's membership in the organization. The term "certification trademark" as used in this Law means that it is controlled by an organization with the ability to supervise certain goods or services and is used by units or individuals other than the organization to certify the origin of the goods or services. , raw materials, manufacturing methods, quality or other signs of specific quality. Special matters concerning the registration and management of collective trademarks and certification marks shall be stipulated by the industrial and commercial administration department of the State Council. Article 16 of the "Registration and Management Measures for Collective Trademarks and Certification Marks" stipulates: "Article 16 When applying for the transfer of a collective trademark or certification mark, the transferee shall have the corresponding subject qualifications and comply with the Trademark Law, Implementing Regulations and these Measures regulations.”