How long it takes to apply for a trademark is a question that many business people are concerned about. The trademark registration process is long and arduous. It now takes about 12 months. So if the trademark goes from tm to r trademark, then How long does it take to get a specific trademark application, and how long does each step take?
The trademark registration procedure includes: formal examination - substantive examination - preliminary approval announcement period - registration announcement, printing and mailing. Let’s take a look at the time required for each approval stage:
1. First, it is the submission of trademark information. Our company expedites the application and submits the information to the customer on the same day, and issues the trademark acknowledgment and receipt within 24 hours. Application number.
2. Formal review stage: The Trademark Office will conduct a formal review of the trademark registration documents, accept them if the information is complete and the procedures are complete, establish the application date and application number, and issue an "Acceptance Notice" (it currently takes approximately 15 days).
3. Substantive review stage: If the application passes the review and passes the preliminary review, it will enter the announcement period; if it fails, a rejection notice will be issued (within approximately 6 months after the application is submitted).
4. Preliminary approval announcement period: three months. If there is no objection within three months of the announcement period, the "Trademark Approval and Registration Announcement" will be published on the "Trademark Announcement".
5. Certificate printing and mailing: Generally, 45 days are added to the registration date as the printing and mailing time of the Trademark Office.
The above time, 6 months for substantive examination and 3 months for preliminary review announcement are legal requirements.
Generally, the normal time for trademark registration application is about 12 months. This is without encountering rejection or objection. If there are these unexpected events, it will take longer, and the longest wait may be two or three years. year time. If you want to register your trademark smoothly, you can find a trademark registration agent, or simply purchase a registered trademark directly.
Bajie is a professional platform that specializes in trademark agency sales. It focuses on solving issues such as trademark registration, trademark transfer, brand authorization, and difficult trademark cases. It is one of the largest trademark trading platforms in the country and is a very Good choice. Trademark registration applicationTrademark registration process