1. Trademarks are directly used in service places, including service introduction manuals, service place signboards, shop decorations, staff clothes, posters, menus, price lists, lottery tickets, office stationery, stationery and other items related to designated services;
2. Trademarks are used for documents related to services, such as invoices, remittance documents, service provision agreements and maintenance certificates.
3. Trademarks are used in radio, television and other media, or published in public publications, and advertisements are made on trademarks or services using trademarks by billboards, mail advertisements or other advertising methods;
4. Use of trademarks in exhibitions and expositions, including the use of printed materials and other materials provided by trademarks in exhibitions and expositions;
5. Other forms of trademark use that meet the legal requirements.
Two, the following circumstances are not regarded as the use of trademarks in the sense of the Trademark Law.
1. The publication of trademark registration information or the trademark registrant's statement on the exclusive right to use its registered trademark;
2. Not used in the open commercial field;
3. Only used as a gift;
4. Only the act of transfer or license without actual use;
5. Symbolic use is only for the purpose of maintaining trademark registration.
III. Providing the following evidence shall not be used in the sense of the Trademark Law.
1. contracts or agreements for the sale of goods and contracts for the provision of services;
2. Written testimony;
3. It is difficult to identify whether the material evidence, audio-visual materials and website information have been modified;
4. Physical objects and copies.
To sum up, if your customized office supplies are only used as gifts, they cannot be regarded as valid evidence of trademark use.