Flagship stores are ordinary flagship stores of a single brand (private brand trademarks with R or TM status, or exclusive authorization by the rights holder to open stores on Tmall).
Only one brand flagship store can be opened. Only when a very strong merchant enters the official flagship store, the auditor will take the initiative to name the store with the word "official". Unless the auditor takes the initiative to add it, the merchant will require No chance. If the flagship store is well managed, it may become an official flagship store.
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The Tmall flagship store gives Taobao a large margin, so Pay more attention to credibility, so the guarantee of authenticity will be greater.
Formerly known as Taobao Mall, it is a comprehensive shopping website. The number of products on Tmall has increased significantly in recent years, ranging from cars and computers to clothing, household items, home decoration and building materials, and a comprehensive range of categories. It has also set up a trading area for online game equipment.