The name of the optical shop can be different from the trademark. Store name and trademark are two concepts. A trademark is a symbol of the product or service used, and a store name is a corporate name, which are protected by different laws. The store name may or may not be a trademark. The store name can be consistent with the trademark, or it can be inconsistent.
A trademark is a mark used to distinguish one operator’s brand or service from the goods or services of other operators. my country's Trademark Law stipulates that for trademarks approved and registered by the Trademark Office, including commodity trademarks, service marks, collective trademarks, and certification marks, the trademark registrant enjoys the exclusive right to trademark and is protected by law. If it is a well-known trademark, he will obtain a cross-category trademark. Legal protection of exclusive rights. Answer from the official website of the World Intellectual Property Organization: A trademark is a distinctive sign that identifies a certain product or service as being produced or provided by a specific individual or enterprise. If the store name is not registered, it is not protected by law. The store name can be similar to the trademark, or it does not need to be similar.