Is 53-degree Daqu and Shi the same wine?
A different wine. Deng Yu Daqu is produced by Jiuquan Distillery, Luzhou City, Sichuan Province, and Deng Yu Daqu liquor is a copy of LU ZHOU LAO JIAO CO.,LTD Co., Ltd. The value of fake liquor is similar to that of bought loose liquor, but it seems that the packaging is more valuable than the liquor itself. Shifuke is produced by Luzhou Daqu Distillery. In 1950s, when many liquor brands were still in the "primitive" development stage, Luzhou Skofu Daqu liquor had been exported overseas, registered the "SCOF" trademark in the United States, and quickly occupied a place in the international market. Luzhou Shikefu Daqu Liquor has made remarkable achievements in cooperation with overseas export strategy for 50 years.