ID is the abbreviation of English IDentity, which means identification number. Also known as serial number or account number, it is a relatively unique code in a certain system, which is equivalent to a kind of "ID card". In a specific thing, the ID number is generally unchanged. As for what to use to identify the thing, It is determined by the rules set by the designer himself. Generally speaking, this rule has a certain degree of subjectivity in design based on the specific use environment, such as: "employee ID number", "ID card number", "computer URL", etc. There are two main methods of operation for computers, logical operations and arithmetic operations. Logical operations are related to the ID function of numbers. ID is very common in life. For example, you paste the product model, production number, etc. on similar things to distinguish them. This can also be called ID.
IE Windows Internet Explorer, formerly known as Microsoft Internet Explorer, referred to as MSIE (commonly known as Internet Explorer, referred to as IE), is a web browser launched by Microsoft.
IQ is the abbreviation of Intelligence Quotient, which means intelligence quotient, referred to as IQ. It is an index that measures the level of individual intellectual development. It was first proposed by German psychologist L.W. Stern. American psychologist Tuimeng cited IQ in formulating the "Stanford-Binet Scale" and improved it. IQ is the quotient obtained by dividing mental age (mental age) by actual age, multiplied by 100, which is the ratio IQ