Wallpaper size
The wallpaper size of Apple mobile phone varies with different mobile phone models. The following are the wallpaper sizes of different models of Apple phones:
-iphone 6/6s/7/8: 750x1334 pixels
-iphone6plus/6s plus/7plus/8plus:1080x1920 pixels.
-iphonex/xs:1125x2436 pixels.
-iphone xr: 828 x 1792 pixels.
-iphonexsmax: 1242x2688 pixels
So when choosing wallpaper, we need to choose the corresponding size according to our mobile phone model to ensure that the wallpaper can fully adapt to the screen.
Wallpaper resolution
In addition to the size, the resolution of wallpaper is also an important factor affecting the display effect of wallpaper. The screen resolution of Apple's mobile phone varies with different mobile phone models. The following are the screen resolutions of different models of Apple phones:
-iphone6/6s/7/8:1334x750 pixels, 326ppi.
-iphone6plus/6s plus/7plus/8plus:1920x1080 pixels, 40 1ppi.
-iphonex/xs: 2436x1125 pixels, 458ppi.
-iphone xr: 1792x828 pixels, 326ppi.
-iphonexsmax: 2688 x 1242 pixels, 458ppi.
Therefore, in order to make the wallpaper achieve the best display effect, we need to choose the wallpaper resolution that is the same as or higher than the screen resolution of the mobile phone.
How to change wallpaper
After knowing the best size and resolution of Apple's mobile phone wallpaper, you can start to change the wallpaper. Here are the steps to change the wallpaper:
1. Open the settings application.
2. Click on "wallpaper".
3. Select "Select a new wallpaper".
4. Select a picture from an album, or select a preset wallpaper from "Dynamic Wallpaper" and "Static Wallpaper".
5. Adjust the position and size of the wallpaper to ensure that it fits the screen completely.
6. Click Set Lock Screen or Set Home Screen to apply the new wallpaper.