Reignwood can also produce Red Bull in 2022.
Although Reignwood’s trademark has been taken away, Red Bull can still be sold. We provide flavors and fragrances from other places, and Red Bull’s gold can packaging is also made from other places. Reignwood just doesn’t have the gold can packaging patent, which doesn’t affect the external sales of Red Bull beverage, so Reignwood can still sell Red Bull.
Recently, in order to unblock channels for consumers to protect their rights, "Tencent" Red Bull has opened a consumer reporting channel. If consumers find valid evidence of infringing counterfeit goods and maliciously spreading rumors or slandering genuine "Red Bull" products, they will receive a reporting reward of 1,000 yuan once adopted by the market supervision and law enforcement department.
According to incomplete statistics, since 2020, Thailand's Tencel Group has traveled to Beijing, Hebei, Shanxi, Henan, Anhui, Chongqing, Guangdong and other parts of the country to cooperate with market regulatory authorities to crack down on infringing and counterfeit goods. Up to now, more than 4,000 law enforcement documents including risk warnings, administrative warnings, orders to correct, and administrative penalties have been issued.