The fonts registered for trademarks are usually designed for the identification of a specific trademark, rather than pure font design. The scope of trademark rights is usually related to the drawing provided in the trademark application, rather than a single font design. Therefore, others using words with similar or identical font designs may not directly infringe trademark rights, especially if there is no registered trademark image involved.
However, there are circumstances that may lead to infringement, depending on the specific design and use of the mark. The following are some situations that may lead to trademark infringement:
1. **Similar images**:
If others use similar or identical images of the registered trademark in the trademark registration image, Font design may constitute infringement.
2. **Similar business fields**:
If others use similar or identical font designs in business fields similar to the registered trademark, it may cause confusion and thus constitute infringement.
3. **Causing confusion**:
The core of trademark rights is to prevent consumers from confusing goods or services from different sources. If someone else's font design is similar to a registered trademark, it may cause confusion and constitute infringement.
To determine trademark infringement, it is necessary to consider the specific case facts and applicable legal provisions. If you are worried about trademark infringement, it is recommended to consult a professional intellectual property lawyer, who can provide detailed legal advice based on the specific situation.
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