Food name
1. Special names that show the true attributes of food must be used. 2. When one or more names of a food have been specified in national standards or industry standards, one of them should be selected. 3. In the absence of the above-mentioned names, common names or common names that do not mislead or confuse consumers must be used. 4. When using "newly created name", "peculiar name", "brand name" or "trademark name", any one of the names specified in Article 1 must be used at the same time. 5. In order to prevent consumers from misunderstanding or confusing the real attributes, physical state and preparation methods of food, you can attach the corresponding words or phrases before the food name or indicate the corresponding words or phrases after the food name.
ingredient list
1. the title of the ingredient list is "ingredients" or "ingredient list". 2. All kinds of ingredients must be arranged in descending order. 3. If an ingredient itself is a compound ingredient composed of two or more other ingredients, the name of the compound ingredient must be indicated in the ingredient list, followed by brackets, and the original ingredients should be listed one by one in descending order. When the compound ingredient has a specified name in the national standard or industry standard, and its addition amount is less than 25% of the total food, it is not necessary to mark the original ingredient, but the food additives in it must be marked. 4. Various ingredients must use specific names. Food additives must use the product name or category name specified in GB 276. 5. When the raw materials used in the processing process have been changed to other ingredients (referring to fermented products, such as wine, soy sauce, vinegar, etc.), in order to show the essential attributes of the products, "raw materials" or "raw materials and ingredients" can be used instead of "ingredients" and marked according to the provisions of Article 2.
net content and solid content
1. The net content of food in the container must be marked as follows: a. Liquid food, with volume; B. solid food, quality of use; C. semi-solid food, with quality or volume. 2. For food containing solid and liquid substances in containers, in addition to the net content, the solid content of the food must also be indicated, expressed by mass or percentage. 3. If the same container contains several pieces of food which are independent of each other and have the same quality and similar shape, the quantity of the food must be indicated at the same time as the net content.
names and addresses of manufacturers and distributors
1. The legally registered names and addresses of food manufacturing, packaging, sub-packaging or sales units must be indicated. 2. Imported food must indicate the country and region of origin (Hongkong, Macau and Taiwan Province) and the name and address of the general distributor registered in China according to law.
date mark
1. the date of production, shelf life or/and shelf life of food must be marked. 2. The date is marked in the order of year, month and day. 3. The shelf life or shelf life can be indicated in one of the following ways: a. "It is best to eat before" or "It is best to drink before" (used for shelf life); "It is best to eat before" or "It is best to drink before" (used for shelf life); "Eat before" or "Drink before" (used for shelf life). B. "The shelf life is until ..."; "The storage period is until ..."; C. "The shelf life is ... months". "Shelf life ... months".
storage guide
if the shelf life or storage period of food is related to storage conditions, the storage method of food must be indicated.
quality (quality) grade
the food whose quality (quality) grade has been clearly stipulated in product standards (national standards and industrial standards) must be marked with the quality grade of the food.
the product standard number
must indicate the code and serial number of the national standard, industry standard or enterprise standard of the product.
Special labeling contents
1. Foods treated by ionizing radiation or ionizing energy must be marked with "irradiated food" near the food name. 2. Any ingredients treated by ionizing radiation or ionizing energy must be stated in the ingredient list.
line code
food hygiene license number