In foreign-related trademark applications, when selecting specific goods/services, please try to choose the standard goods/services listed in the "Nice Classification Table" and try not to choose those with "C" in the code. Products/services unique to China. Because non-standard goods/services cannot be generally accepted by other countries, it is very likely that the trademark management agencies of various countries will issue examination opinions, which will incur the cost of responding to the examination opinions and delay the registration time. If the company's main products/services cannot be found among the standard goods/services in the Nice Classification, it is best to negotiate with an agent to select a name of goods/services that is more likely to be accepted by the applicant country and try to submit it.
If the trademark is successfully registered, it must be used promptly in the country of registration. What is "timely"? According to the provisions of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPSw), if the use of a trademark is required to maintain registration, the registration can only be canceled after at least three consecutive years of non-use, unless the trademark owner Justify the reasons based on the obstacles to use of the trademark. ?In practice, countries around the world generally stipulate that registered trademarks can be revoked if they are not used for three or five consecutive years. Therefore, after registering a trademark, you must actively use it and retain as much evidence of use as possible. Maximizing the use of registered trademarks is the best protection for trademarks.