In order to determine the authenticity of Cuban cigars, you can take the following steps:
1. When purchasing Cuban cigars, choose a reputable merchant to avoid buying counterfeit goods.
2. Check the label of the cigar to see if there are words such as "Havana", "Cuba", "H.Upmann", "Cohiba", etc. Genuine cigars usually have manufacturer and brand information.
3. Look at the appearance of the cigar. Genuine cigars usually have clear spots and fine markings, clean and tidy edges, and no flaws in appearance.
4. Observe the packaging of the cigars, whether the buckles of the packaging are the same as the original ones, and whether there is a moisturizing pad inside the box.
5. The taste and smell of cigars are also important indicators for judging authenticity. Genuine cigars have a rich taste and smoky aroma, with clear and smooth smoke and stable combustion.
If you still have doubts, you can enter the code on the cigar into the authenticity query system on the official website to check the authenticity.