There is a difference between a trademark and a logo:
A trademark is a sign used in production and business activities to identify the source of goods or services. A trademark approved and registered by the Trademark Office is Registered trademarks include commodity trademarks, service trademarks, collective trademarks, and certification trademarks; the registrant of a trademark enjoys the exclusive right to use the trademark and is protected by law.
The Chinese meaning of "Logo" is logo, logo. Logo is not completely equivalent to trademark. Its scope may include trademarks, and may also include some non-trademark signs, such as: logos used in internal activities of enterprises, or A logo used by a university study group. Only logos used in production and business activities to distinguish the source of goods and services can be called trademarks.
The difference between a trademark and a logo is:
1. The acquisition of rights is different. A trademark has been registered by the corresponding state agency to obtain trademark rights and is protected by the "Trademark Law". The logo creation can be completed Automatically obtain copyright and be protected by the "Copyright Law";
2. The ownership of rights is different, the trademark belongs to the trademark owner, and the copyright owner and owner of the LOGO are likely to be different people; 3. The protection period is different, the trademark It can be protected indefinitely, usually 50 years for a logo. A trademark generally refers to the name of a company or product, while a logo uses a simple and interesting graphic to represent a company or product, or a logo for a product or company.