It usually takes 2-3 months after the trademark registration is announced to receive the paper registration certificate.
Trademark registration is the prerequisite and condition for a trademark user to obtain the exclusive right to use a trademark. Only trademarks that have been approved and registered are protected by law. The principles of trademark registration are the basic criteria for determining the exclusive right to use trademarks. The choice of different registration principles is the result of the legislators of various countries weighing the relationship between legal certainty and legal fairness in this issue. Simply put, a trademark is the brand of a commodity, a mark used by commodity producers and operators to distinguish the goods they produce or operate from those produced or operated by other commodity producers or operators.
According to the provisions of the Trademark Law: If two or more trademark registration applicants apply for registration of the same or similar trademarks on the same goods or similar goods, the first application shall be initially reviewed and announced. If the application is made on the same day, the previously used trademark will be initially reviewed and announced, and other applications will be rejected and will not be announced. In other words, trademark registration follows the first-to-file principle. The following are reasons why the applicant or agency cannot obtain the exclusive right to trademark due to the application date.