The website above is the address of Jack Jones' official website in Chinese mainland.
But Jack Jones is the exclusive brand of men's wear under the Danish bestseller group (Jack Jones's real original name is "Jack and Jones", which are two typical male names). Not a women's brand, not selling women's products.
The best-selling group itself has its own exclusive women's clothing brands of the same level as Jack Jones, named Ollie and Visaman respectively (these two Chinese names are not familiar to many people, but they are indeed the official Chinese brand names of these two brands, and I believe most people will not be unfamiliar with the original texts of these two brands-only, Vero Moda! Hehe).
If you are interested in this style of clothing, including Jack Jones, and want to find similar styles of women's clothing, you can pay attention to ONLY and Vero Moda's women's clothing.