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What is a trademark registration number?

The trademark registration number is a unique identifier assigned by the Trademark Registration Office after completing the registration process. It is a combination of numbers or letters used to identify and distinguish a specific trademark.

Trademark registration numbers are usually assigned by the Trademark Registration Office according to its own numbering system and rules. The trademark registration authority of each country or region has its own unique trademark registration number format.

The trademark registration number is visible on the trademark registration certificate and is also important information in the records of the Trademark Registry. It is used to confirm the legal registration status of a trademark and prove the trademark holder's ownership of the trademark.

The format of the trademark registration number can be numbers, letters or a combination thereof. For example, a trademark registration number registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) may be similar to "US1234567", while a trademark registration number registered with the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) may be similar to "12345678".

The importance of a trademark registration number is that it provides a unique identifier that facilitates tracking and verification of trademark registration information.

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