Trademark registration for catering brands involves different categories. The specific category selection depends on the scope of services or goods you provide. The following are some examples of trademark registration categories that may be related to catering:
1. Restaurant services:
-Trademark Class: Catering services fall under International Classification Class 43. In the United States, the category is IC043.
2. Fast food service:
-Trademark category: Trademarks related to fast food service also usually belong to International Classification Class 43. In the United States, the same category is IC043.
3. Cafe services:
-Trademark category: Cafe services usually also fall under International Classification Class 43. In the United States, the same category is IC043.
4. Beverage service:
-Trademark category: If your catering brand involves the provision of beverage service, you may also need to consider International Classification Class 32. In the United States, the category is IC032.
Please note that trademark classification may vary from country to country and the above examples are general guidance based on the international classification system (Nice Classification). When registering a trademark, it is recommended to consult a professional trademark attorney to ensure that an appropriate trademark classification is selected and that your business scope is adequately covered.
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