How similar are the TIEBEAUTY-TIEBEAUTY trademarks?
Our company's trademark "TIEBEAUTY-TIEBEAUTY" has been reviewed and used for at least 3 years. Due to the different development of our company's products In response to the needs of the industry market, in June 2013, the company's trademark "TIEBEAUTY" was separately registered as a third-class trademark. Some time ago, we received a notice from the trademark agency that the application was rejected. We are not sure why our application was rejected? Because in your reply, it was mentioned that the "TREBEAUT" in the 12374694 application submitted by other companies in April 2013 is similar. We really don’t understand that if we apply for a third category for this trademark on the premise that trademark applications in other categories have been published and used, how can our application not be given priority? In addition, we also don’t understand how similar the trademarks of “TIEBEAUTY” and “TREBEAUT” are. We believe that the two trademarks are fundamentally dissimilar literally.
Now the trademark agent tells us that we have to pay 3,000 yuan to go through the trademark application review process, of which 1,500 yuan is for the Trademark Office and 1,500 yuan for the trademark agency.
I don’t quite understand, is this fee reasonable? What is the basis for charging? As a trademark applicant, after our trademark is rejected by you, what channels and methods can we use to reason or question it?
Trademark applicant: Guangzhou Yijie Printing Co., Ltd.
If a registered trademark is rejected, you can apply to the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board for review within 15 days from the date of receipt of the trademark rejection notice. Related For materials, please refer to the review guide on the official website of the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board and download it online.