2017 OHSAS18000 basic knowledge simulation test questions
1. Single choice questions (each question is 1 point, *** 15 points):
1. Occupational health and safety refers to the health and safety of personnel in which places? ( )
a. Within the organization b. The organization's workplace c. The organization's production site d. The organization's boiler Room
2. The "Treasure Box" interactive link in CCTV's "Lucky 52" column is a guessing game. The rules of the game are as follows: Among the 20 trademarks, 5 have the inscription on the back A certain prize amount is indicated, and the back of the remaining cards is a crying face. If the crying face is turned over, no prize will be awarded. Audiences participating in this game have three chances to turn over the cards (the turned over cards cannot be turned over again). A certain spectator If he won some bonuses in the first two flops, then the probability of him winning the third flop is ( )
1a. 4 b.15 c. 6 d. 20
3 .What is the dividing line between high voltage and low voltage for electrical equipment? ( )
a.100000V b.5000V c.500V d.1000V
4. Welcome to Angola for sightseeing, good luck. If you pick up a diamond, if you are unlucky, you will step on a landmine. The meaning of this slogan is: ( )
a. Juyu is promoting tourism in a country where the civil war has not yet ended. b. Angola is a country rich in diamonds.
c. Angola is at war. d. Angola is a tourist destination.
5. GB/T280010-2001 standard is aimed at: ( )
a. Product safety b. Service safety c. Occupational health and safety d. Safety of surrounding residents
6. The occupational health and safety policy is approved by ( ).
a. Employee representative b. Management representative c. Manager d. Top manager
7. The opposite of - 1 is ( )
a . -3 b. 1
c. - 1
d. 3
8. Laws that the organization’s occupational health and safety management system should comply with ( )
a. Cleaner Production Law of the People’s Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China b. People’s Republic of China ** * Labor Law of the People's Republic of China
c. Metrology Law of the People's Republic of China and the People's Republic of China d. Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and the People's Republic of China
9. The risks evaluated by the organization should be passed In what ways it is controlled ( )
a. Goals, operational control, emergency preparedness and response b. Factory level, workshop level, team level
c. National, local, industry d. .Prevention, governance, transformation
10. The organization should ensure that personnel with occupational health and safety awareness include ( ) a. Relevant parties of the organization b. Senior management of the enterprise c. All relevant functions and levels Personnel d. Personnel of each team
11. The requirements for the organization to review relevant emergency response procedures include ( ) a. When necessary b. Irregularly c. Regularly and simultaneously when necessary d. Regularly
12. For the following relevant examples, the correct explanation is ( ) a. Using a pressure cooker to cook rice quickly uses the principle that pressure increases and the boiling point rises. b. Using a pressure cooker to cook rice quickly uses atmospheric pressure. Decreases with height. Principle c. Put vegetables that are not eaten temporarily in the refrigerator to lower the liquid temperature and speed up evaporation. d. Place vegetables that are not eaten temporarily in a sunny and ventilated place to keep the liquid. temperature to slow down evaporation
13. According to the "Catalogue of Highly Toxic Substances" issued by the Ministry of Health, benzene belongs to ( )
a. Highly toxic substances b. Toxic substances c. Lowly toxic substances d. Non-toxic items
14. Occupational diseases in my country are divided into ( )
a. 10 categories, 115 species b. 9 categories, 215 species c. 15 categories, 115 species d. 10 categories, 215 species
15. Who provides the various resources of the occupational health and safety management system? ( )
a. General manager b. Head of the company’s logistics department c. Manager d. Employee Representative
2. True or False Questions (1 point each, *** 15 points):
1. Any fluke, paralysis, laziness, showmanship, recklessness, impatience, irritability, Anger, complacency, and curiosity may all become safety hazards. ( )
2. Tolerable risks are risks that are acceptable to most employees of the organization. ( )
3. The audit scope of internal audit should include the element of management review. ( )
4. Unacceptable risks may not be considered when formulating occupational health and safety goals. ( ) Performance measurement and monitoring does not only refer to the calibration measurement of the instrument. ( )
6. The supplier’s occupational health and safety behaviors are not within the scope, so they can be ignored. ( )
7. Risks that have been well managed can no longer write control procedures. ( )
8. Continuous improvement must be reflected in every aspect of the organization ( )
9. Hazard source identification includes two parts: identifying the existence of hazard sources and determining their characteristics. content. ( )
10. The goal is what occupational health and safety must achieve. ( )
11. Occupational health and safety goals and indicators must be quantified. ( )
12. Establishing an occupational health and safety management system enables an organization to control occupational health and safety risks and improve its performance.
( )
13. Clause 4.4.6 d) of the standard requires organizations to use safety performance as an important input when designing their products.
( )
14. Every employee of the organization must know the management representatives and employee representatives. ( )
15. The records of the occupational health and safety management system should be complete and traceable. ( )
3. Multiple-choice questions (2 points each, *** 20 points):
1. Which of the following substances is prohibited from being transported in the same vehicle with oxygen? ( )
a. Argon gas b. Oil c. Acetylene gas d. Nitrogen gas
2. The occupational health and safety policy should be ( )
a. Regular review b. .Convey to all employees c. Be available to relevant owners d. Announce to the public
3. What education should new employees receive before taking up their posts? ( )
a. Master pays apprentice b. .Team level c. Factory level d. Workshop level
4. Which of the following factors should be considered in hazard identification? ( )
a. Routine and non-routine activities b. All entries Personnel at the site c. All facilities in the workplace
d. General manager’s intention
5. Management review reviews the ( ) of the organization’s occupational health and safety management system.
a. Suitability b. Adequacy c. Effectiveness d. Compliance
6. Special operations include ( )
a. Electric welding b. Car driver c. Hoisting machinery d. Explosive operation
7. Dangerous sources are those that cause injury or illness, property damage, damage to the working environment, or a combination of these situations ( )
a. Root b. Noun c. State d. Verb
8. Which of the following aspects should be considered regarding the abilities that personnel who may affect occupational health and safety in the workplace should have?
( )
a. Training b. Performance c. Education d. Work experience
9. Blue represents ( ) compliance among safety colors.
a. Directive b. Prohibited c. Attention d. Must
10. Occupational health and safety proactive performance includes ( ) a. Surveillance of accidents, diseases, and events b. Compliance with operation Criteria c. Compliance with applicable regulations d. Investigation of accidents
4. Fill in the blanks (1 point each, *** 10 points):
1. Performance monitoring and measurement Performance measurement of inclusion and passivity.
2. The policy of safe production is safety first.
3. Climbing operations are performed above 1 meter above the base level.
4. The relevant current version of the occupational health and safety management system should be obtained at the position.
5. Farmers spread the rice out to dry, which increases the ____ _ of the liquid, which is conducive to the evaporation of water in the rice.
6. One of the purposes of internal audit is to evaluate the operation of the occupational health and safety management system.
7. The occupational health and safety policy should include commitments and compliance with regulations.
8. The function of the leakage protector is mainly to provide indirect contact protection for people who are in fatal danger.
9. The organization shall understand and obtain applicable regulatory and other occupational health and safety requirements.
10. The LEC method is one of the commonly used methods for organization.
5. Short answer questions (5 points each, *** 20 points):
1. Briefly describe the meaning of "three simultaneous".
2. What is safe voltage? What are the levels of safety voltage ratings in my country?
3. What should be considered when formulating occupational health and safety goals?
4. Briefly describe what elements are included in the third-level monitoring in the occupational health and safety management system?
5. Briefly describe what are the requirements related to laws and regulations in the occupational health and safety management system?
6. Case analysis and explanation questions (5 points each, *** 20 points):
1. Give an example of the clause 4.5.2 of the GB/T28001-2001 standard to eliminate actual and Any corrective or preventive measures taken as a result of potential non-compliance should be proportionate to the severity of the problem and the occupational health and safety risks faced. The meaning of ?
2. Describe the main contents of Article 40 of the "Work Safety Law of the People's Republic of China".
3. The ideological and moral construction of minors has attracted more and more attention from society. A youth research institute randomly investigated the amount of pocket money spent by 100 students in a school during the winter vacation (the amount was rounded up to an integer) in order to guide students to establish a correct concept of consumption. A frequency distribution table and frequency distribution histogram were made based on the survey data (as shown below).
Group frequency frequency
0.5~50.5 0.1
200.5300. 3
Total 100
Group Distance
0.5 50.5 A B 200.5 250.5 300.5 Money (yuan)
(1) Complete the frequency distribution table and histogram;
(2) In the frequency distribution histogram, the area of ??rectangle ABCD is __ _; the sample capacity of this survey is __ __.
(3) The institute believes that students who spend more than 150 yuan should be given advice on thrift. Try to estimate how many students out of 1,000 students in this school should make this suggestion?
4. Try to analyze the harm of drunk driving to driving safety?
< p> 5. Try to give an example to illustrate the meaning of "prevention" in clause 4.4.7 of the GB/T28001-2001 standard. ;