Outdoor cart trademark category 12.
The stroller belongs to the 1206 group of the 12th category of the trademark classification; according to the statistics of Roadmark.com, there are 7 registered trademarks for strollers (strollers).
How to choose other minor categories when registering: 1. Choose to register (vehicle, group number: 1203) There are 1 trademarks in the category, and the registration ratio reaches 14.29% 2. Choose to register (tricycle) There is 1 trademark in the category (, Group number: 1204), with a registration ratio of 14.29%. 3. Choose to register. There is 1 trademark in the (children's bicycle, group number: 1204) category, with a registration ratio of 14.29%. 4. Choose There is 1 trademark registered in the (vehicle, group number: 1202) category, and the registration ratio reaches 14.29%5. There is 1 trademark registered in the (vehicle, group number: 1204) category, and the registration ratio reaches 14.29%6 .There is 1 trademark selected for registration in the (Bicycle, Group No.: 1204) category, and the registration ratio reaches 14.29%. 7. There is 1 trademark selected for registration (Vehicle, Group No.: 1201), and the registration ratio reaches 14.29 %