Article 66 If a registered trademark specified in Article 49 of the Trademark Law has not been used for three consecutive years without justifiable reasons, any unit or individual may apply to the Trademark Office for cancellation of the registered trademark, and the relevant information shall be explained when submitting the application. After accepting the application, the Trademark Office shall notify the trademark registrant to submit the evidential materials used before applying for cancellation of the trademark or explain the legitimate reasons for not using it within two months from the date of receiving the notice; The Trademark Office shall revoke its registered trademark if it fails to provide evidence for the use of the materials or proves that the materials are invalid without justifiable reasons.
The evidence mentioned in the preceding paragraph includes the evidence that the trademark registrant uses the registered trademark and the evidence that the trademark registrant allows others to use the registered trademark.
An application for cancellation of a registered trademark on the grounds that it has not been used for three consecutive years without justifiable reasons shall be filed three years after the date of the announcement of the registration of the registered trademark.