Trademarks are used by producers and operators of goods on the goods they produce, manufacture, process, select or distribute, or by service providers on the services they provide, to distinguish goods or services. Origin: a sign with distinctive characteristics consisting of words, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional signs, sounds, color combinations, or a combination of the above elements, and is a product of modern economy. In the commercial field, trademarks include words, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional logos and color combinations, as well as combinations of the above elements, which can be applied for registration as trademarks. Trademarks approved and registered by the state are "registered trademarks" and are protected by law. Trademarks protect trademark registrants by ensuring that they have the exclusive right to identify goods or services, or to license others to use them for remuneration.
Trademark is an information resource
First of all, a trademark is a symbol of a product. Its appearance first indicates the source of the product, conveys information about new products to consumers, and plays a role in creating consumption. , the role of stimulating and guiding demand.
Secondly, any trademark represents the inherent quality and standard of the specific product to which it is attached, indicating to some extent the quality responsibility that the producer or operator should bear for the product, thereby ensuring Consumers can use trademarks to select and identify products among competing similar products.
Therefore, a trademark is an information resource that has the function of creating value. Through extensive publicity of the trademark, it becomes known to consumers, opens up the market, and brings benefits to the enterprise.
Trademarks are a concentrated expression of corporate image and credibility
Enterprises display their image and credibility to consumers through specific features such as the distinctiveness and novelty of trademarks, and deepen consumers’ awareness of their products. The impression can attract consumers' attention and stimulate consumers' desire to buy, thereby achieving the ultimate goal of expanding product sales. At the same time, a good brand image can also enhance consumers' loyalty to the trademark and encourage consumers to make repeated purchases. Therefore, the higher the visibility of the trademark, the better the image and reputation of the company.
Trademark is an important intellectual property right
Trademark embodies the wisdom and labor of the production enterprise. Important intellectual property; it is an intangible property that generates profits all the time. Since the trademark has the function of renewal (the trademark is valid for 10 years and can be renewed upon expiration), it has the function of increasing value. Therefore, business operators must pay attention to the special role of trademarks, try to give products a good name, widely publicize product trademarks on the premise of reliable quality, increase the visibility of product trademarks, thereby promoting product sales and consolidating its market status. As brand awareness increases, the value of trademarks and their value-added functions are immeasurable. Therefore, companies must be careful not to give up the brand of their products easily, otherwise, it may bring many unnecessary losses to the company.
Trademarks are a sharp weapon for enterprises to compete in the market
Trademarks are a stepping stone for enterprises to enter the market, and competition is an inherent economic law of the market economy. If an enterprise wants to remain invincible in the competition and improve and expand its market share, it must adopt various competition forms such as price, promotion, trademark, advertising, marketing promotion, public relations and other forms of competition. Modern enterprises often adopt non-price competition methods to build brand awareness through trademark advertising, so that products can successfully enter the market. At the same time, relying on the popularity of trademarks, enterprises will continue to forge ahead, continuously improve product quality, increase the added value of products, consolidate existing market shares, and continuously expand market share to occupy an advantageous position in the competition.
Trademark, as an important intellectual property, has become an important strategic resource for the development of enterprises and the country and a powerful driving force for the development of market economy. To a certain extent, it represents an enterprise, a region and even a country. economic strength, development level and overall image. It can be seen that trademarks are extremely important assets for enterprises. If used well, they can bring greater wealth to the enterprise than the tangible assets of the enterprise. A company's trademark rights are actually a gold mine that is difficult to see with the naked eye, but may bring tangible benefits to the company.
Why are trademarks so important?
1. Trademarks are effective communication tools
For brand management, trademarks can convey information about the founder, company, and products. Service-related, intangible and emotional messages to consumers.
2. Trademarks can make it easier for consumers to find you
The competitive market is quite crowded, and the existence of many competitors makes it difficult for consumers to find you. At this time, trademark/brand is an excellent tool to attract consumers' attention and make your products and services stand out.
3. Trademarks allow companies to effectively use social media
When consumers have purchasing needs and want to use search engines (such as Baidu) or social platforms (such as Weibo, Weibo, etc.) When making inquiries (WeChat), there is no doubt that the trademark/brand will be the first impression.
4. Trademarks are valuable assets
As time goes by, trademarks will become more valuable. As your career becomes more and more famous, your brand value will also increase. Sometimes, compared to the core competitiveness of a company, a trademark better demonstrates the value of the company, because a trademark can allow the company to switch from a single field to other specific fields
5. Trademarks are beneficial to recruiting talents
Brands can have a positive motivating effect. Therefore, the positions of companies with brand value will be at the top of the minds of job seekers. In addition to recruiting, it is also helpful in retaining good talents
6. The term of a trademark can be extended
As long as you continue to use it and extend it, your registered trademark will no longer maturity. Brand value will be extended indefinitely! You often hear about some brands that are more than a century old.