The trademark registration certificate is an official document issued to the trademark holder after successful trademark registration. It has the following purposes:
1. Legal protection: The trademark registration certificate is the legal proof of trademark rights and interests. . It confirms the trademark holder's ownership of the trademark and provides legal protection to the trademark holder, enabling it to assert exclusive rights to the trademark and prevent others from using the same or similar trademark on the same or similar goods or services.
2. Proof of trademark rights and interests: The trademark registration certificate is a document for the trademark holder to prove his rights and legal status in the trademark. It can be used to demonstrate and prove trademark ownership in business activities, including business negotiations and cooperation with suppliers, distributors, partners and customers.
3. Basis for trademark rights protection: The trademark registration certificate is an important evidence for the trademark holder in trademark infringement disputes. Having a trademark registration certificate can provide the trademark holder with stronger evidence for prosecuting infringement or enforcing trademark rights.
4. Increase in commercial value: Trademark registration certificate is an important part of corporate assets and can increase the commercial value of a trademark. Having a trademark registration certificate can improve a company's reputation and competitiveness, and contribute to brand building and marketing.
5. International expansion and protection: The trademark registration certificate is an important document in international trademark registration and protection. It provides trademark holders with a basis for extending the scope of trademark protection internationally, for example through international trademark registration through the International Registration System (Madrid Agreement).
Trademark registration certificates have important legal and commercial significance for trademark holders. It is the certification and protection of trademark rights and interests, and provides trademark holders with the basis for rights assertion, rights protection and business development.
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