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Sandberg alias: Dongrongzi, bent-headed chicken, mountain brother, hozen fruit, monkey fruit, gong hammer , Maliu Vine, Maliu Orange Vine, Ma Liuo Fruit, Juona. It is the fruit of the Apocynaceae plant Orange. Ecological environment: Grows on hills, valleys, climbing trees or rocky walls. Resource distribution: distributed in Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi and other places. Indications: promoting qi; eliminating accumulation; killing insects. It is mainly used for gas pain in the stomach; diaphragmatic chest fullness; malnutrition in children; hernia and scrofula; skin heat poison; eczema and scabies.
Climbing woody vine, up to 10m long. The whole plant is latexy; except for the inflorescence which is sparsely pubescent, the rest are hairless; the branchlets are brown. The leaves are opposite, with a petiole about 8mm long; the leaves are nearly leathery, oval, oblong or oblong-lanceolate, 5-9.5cm long, 1.8-4.5cm wide, with a short acuminate apex and an acuminate or rounded base. , the leaves are dark green and shiny. Cymes terminal or axillary; flower bud apex rounded or blunt; calyx lobes 5, oval, slightly hairy; corolla white, tall saucer-shaped, corolla tube 1-1.4cm long, 5 lobes, slightly narrow at the base, Expanding to one side to form a sickle or ax shape, with double teeth, covering to the left, the lobes are shorter or equal to the corolla; the subcorolla has 5 lobes extending beyond the throat of the corolla, bell-shaped or tube-shaped; stamens 5, Inserted in the middle of the corolla tube. The berries are round and spherical, orange-yellow or orange-red when ripe. There are many seeds, canine-shaped or flat on both sides, and are brown when dry. The flowering period is from May to November, and the fruiting period is from August to January of the following year.