This category includes:
Services for processing articles or substances, including processing services for changing their main characteristics (such as dyeing clothes); According to the normal classification, maintenance services should be included in the thirty-seventh category, but if such changes are made, they can be included in the fortieth category (such as chrome plating of automobile impact protection devices);
material handling services in the process of material production or building construction, such as cutting, shaping, polishing or metal plating.
in particular, this category does not include: repair services (category 37).
further reading
41 comprehensive processing and information service
42 metal material processing or processing service
43 textile chemical processing or processing service
44 wood processing service
45 paper processing service
46 glass processing service
47 pottery processing service
48. Beverage processing service
49 peeling processing service
41 leather, Clothing processing service
411 image processing service
412 sewage treatment service
413 air conditioning service
414 water purification service
415 single service
(484) artwork framing
(435) carving
(415) 4121) Cryopreservation Service (Life Science)
(C43)※ Medicinal material processing
(C44)※ Fuel processing
(C45)※ Chemical reagent processing and treatment.