Website logo
Website logo is a kind of trademark, which has its unique recognition and distinctiveness. Users can see the difference between logo at a glance. Because of the particularity of the website, the logo of the website should not be too complicated, which will make users forget. The logo usually appears in the upper left corner of the website.
Website column
The website column is the structure of each sub-page, and different structures are associated with different kinds of content. Columns can also be classified twice, and large websites usually adopt these fine classifications.
additional function
There is a toolbar here, which also points to some important pages, but these pages are not the main content of the website. This is generally aimed at the functions required by the website itself. Due to the limited space in the navigation bar, adding too many additional functions may be a bit overwhelming, and more websites will choose to put these additional functions at the bottom of the page.
search tool
Many users like to use search tools. For large websites, some users start looking for the search box when they enter the website, because users don't have much time and energy to find what they want, especially some unpopular content. At this time, search tools are the only choice, which can also increase the user experience.
Return to home page
This is the most important element in the navigation bar. When users don't know which page to go to, they can click "Back to Home", so they can go back to the home page of the website. Of course, some websites will directly use the "home page" or the name of the website as the button to return to the home page, and its main function is to return to the home page of the website at any time.