On May 25 this year, Zhang, a resident of Dajiahe Town, Ninghai County, found someone selling counterfeit Yeezy brand shoes online. The seller claimed that this shoe is the highest version currently on the market and can be mistaken for the real thing. The quality It's no different from the original product, and it's hundreds of dollars cheaper than the original product.
Through the seller’s WeChat Moments and WeChat store information, Zhang also found that the seller also posted detailed comparison pictures of the authenticity of the goods sold, genuine products and other counterfeit products in the market. Zhang finally spent 842 yuan to buy a pair of high imitation Yeezy brand shoes. After receiving the goods, Zhang found that the quality of the shoes was very different from what the seller said, so he went to the Dajiahe Police Station of the Ninghai County Public Security Bureau to report the case.
After receiving the call, the police discovered through identification that the shoes submitted for inspection were counterfeit registered trademarks and were suspected of committing a crime. Ninghai police determined that the sale of counterfeit goods was not an isolated case, and later set up a special task force to investigate.
After nearly half a month of investigation, the task force discovered that a criminal gang headed by Guo was behind the counterfeit sales. The gang has a base in Bishan District, Chongqing. Through WeChat, WeChat and other online channels, it sells shoes, clothes, etc. with counterfeit registered trademarks of Adidas, Nike, Dior and other trendy brands, with a sales amount of more than 70 million yuan.
From June 14th to 18th, the task force dispatched police to Chongqing and divided into multiple routes to carry out arrest operations. When the police arrived at one of the storage dens discovered during the early investigation, Guo and others were packing goods and preparing to send them to buyers, but they were captured on the spot by the police. The police also seized tens of thousands of counterfeit Adidas, Nike, Dior and other brand shoes and clothes on the spot, worth nearly 10 million yuan.
In this operation, none of the six main suspects, including Guo, Guo Qiang, Wang, Chen, Liao and He, escaped the net, and three storage dens were also immediately sealed. After further investigation, the task force also seized real estate and luxury cars owned by Guo's criminal gang, and froze the suspect's bank account deposits, insurance, etc.
Extended information
The young man born in 1995 is the leader of the gang:
“The leader of the gang, Guo, is a post-95s generation, only in his early 20s. We were a little uncomfortable with it at the beginning. I can believe it. The key members of the gang are basically his relatives, and even his father works under him,” said Wang Zonglian, deputy captain of the Economic Investigation Brigade of Ninghai County Public Security Bureau. ?
After arriving at the case, the criminal suspect Guo confessed that he started selling yeezy shoes online in 2017, and at that time he only did online business.
Around 2018, he registered a WeChat store, in the name of a OEM for famous brand goods, by posting online and registering a large number of WeChat accounts to forward, promoting that their products are 1:1 replicas of OEMs. , the appearance is basically the same as the original product, and even the product quality is comparable to the original product, but the price is much cheaper than the original product. ?
Guo’s business grew bigger and bigger, and his father, mother and some relatives joined his business one after another. Some acted as supervisors, arranging purchase, shipment, publicity and other matters, and some Some are responsible for warehousing, sorting, shipping, and arranging models to take close-up photos of products. Some serve as customer service and are responsible for product promotion. They all charge a certain percentage of commission based on their work performance. Guo Mouqiang among the suspects is Guo’s father. ?
Currently, six suspects including Guo have been subject to criminal coercive measures by the public security organs in accordance with the law on suspicion of selling goods with counterfeit registered trademarks, and the case is under further investigation.
Beiwan New Vision-Post-95s boy organized to sell fake shoes for more than 70 million yuan. When he was caught, he placed more than ten orders per second on his mobile phone