Mcdonald's Wallace double chicken burger is a food consisting of two pieces of egg cake, cheese, lettuce and special sauce. The egg cake is golden yellow after frying and has a soft taste. Sauces include sauce, mayonnaise, white vinegar, etc. Cheese and lettuce add different flavors and nutrients to hamburgers. Wallace's double chicken burger is simple to make, but the secret recipe of its special sauce also fascinates many people.
Wallace's double chicken burger was not only popular all over the world at that time, but still one of the main products of McDonald's. McDonald's has introduced special tastes for local consumers in various countries, such as adding pickled cucumbers and doughnuts in Russia to suit the eating habits of Russians, and introducing spicy versions in China to suit the tastes of consumers in China. The continuous evolution of Wallace's double chicken burger not only satisfies the taste buds of local consumers, but also expands the market share of McDonald's.