Whether the Tencel bedding products purchased from Hangzhou Sijiqing are authentic or fake cannot be judged solely by the trademark. Because counterfeit products will forge trademarks, making it difficult for consumers to distinguish between genuine and fake products, multiple aspects must be considered.
First of all, you can compare the product information on the brand's official website to see whether the modified product has brand reputation, understand whether the brand has official channels, and see whether it has an official warranty, official after-sales and other service systems; secondly, you can pay attention As for the packaging of goods, counterfeit products generally have simple packaging, sometimes even lacking brand logos, and sometimes there are no product instructions. In addition, price is also an important basis for determining whether genuine or fake goods are genuine. Generally speaking, the prices of genuine products are within a reasonable range. If If the price is obviously too low, you should be wary; finally, you can also judge from the quality of the product, whether the product's texture and workmanship are sophisticated, whether the material meets safety standards, etc.
To sum up, only by considering many aspects can we truly judge whether the Tencel bedding products purchased by Hangzhou Sijiqing are genuine or fake, ensure legitimate and reasonable consumption, and avoid the embarrassment of buying fake products.