Hello, it should be issued almost 10 months after the trademark registration. After the trademark application is submitted, the Trademark Office will issue an electronic receipt the next day. This electronic receipt represents that the agency has submitted the trademark. Next, the Trademark Office will conduct a formal review. If the review is passed, an acceptance notice will be issued in about 4 months. The acceptance notice means that the Trademark Office has officially accepted your trademark application. The next step is the substantive examination, which is to examine whether your trademark has similar marks, whether there are any adverse effects and other factors, and whether it can pass. The cycle is nine In about a month, if the review is passed, a preliminary review announcement will be issued. The preliminary review announcement means that the Trademark Office has reviewed and approved your trademark. There is a statutory announcement period of three months after the preliminary announcement, also called the opposition period. If someone thinks that your trademark has an impact on them, they can protect their rights by filing an objection. Of course, ordinary trademarks will not be opposed. . If there is no objection, the Trademark Office will issue a registration announcement after three months, which means that the trademark has been successfully registered.