Yes, but there are conditions. The use of the trademark must be completely consistent with the registration. If a color trademark is applied for registration, the same color or color combination as the registered trademark must be used in actual use. For example, the trademark applied for registration is red, and the trademark must be used in actual use. Register the same red. Black and white trademarks or color trademarks that do not specify a color are considered to be unspecified colors. In other words, when applying for registration of a black and white trademark or a color trademark without specifying a color, any color can be used in actual use, which is more flexible.
2. Advantages of color trademarks
1. Product characteristics require trademarks for products such as coatings, color brushes, paints, etc. The display of color trademarks can better match product characteristics and form a brand effect.
2. Some companies’ products, mascots, etc. may not have applied for trademarks in time for symbols or characters that have already formed a certain influence in the public mind. But after years of marketing, it has left an impression on the public. For example, Ronald McDonald, Doraemon, Pikachu, etc. There is no need to change the color of these marks during use and destroy the original impression. Therefore, you can use color applications during application to better protect your marks together with the color.
3. The design of the trademark itself is too simple. Not everyone is inclined to design complicated trademarks. Some trademarks are very simple in structure and design. Although they still contain the wishes of the enterprise, they are The Trademark Office seems to be "lack of distinctiveness"! The probability of being rejected is also very high. In this case, adding color can increase the chance of passing, but it may be inconvenient to use later.