The three major brands in Tongmuguan are Renminjing Tea, Tongmuguan Jinjunmei and Jinjunmei. According to the Renminjing Tea website, the three major Tongmuguan brands are Renminjing Tea, Tongmuguan Jinjunmei, and Jinjunmei. Jinjunmei is a small-leaf vegetable tea harvested on a high mountain with an average altitude of more than 1,000 meters in the Wuyishan National Nature Reserve. The bud of tea is black tea, which is also developed on the basis of Lapsang Souchong. The taste of Jinjunmei is a typical floral and fruity aroma, and the aroma is long and lasting. The floral, fruity and honeyy aroma of the tea soup are obvious, and the water is sweet, sweet and fragrant. Secondly, because Jinjunmei in Tongmuguan has a higher altitude, it has a strong aroma. The alpine flavor is more obvious in the aroma of dry tea, tea soup and lid. Drinking it, it is fresh and sweet, refreshing.